Thursday, 29 March 2012

Task 2 Interior and Exterior Relationships

Concepts in Interior/Exterior Relationships

1. Museum of 21st Century Art (Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa/ SANAA) - 
Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa/ SANAA - Museum of 21st Century Art (2004) 
Using the museum as a basis for my studies I have constructed a small physical model of the museum layout and in the centre, a single cylinder stands surrounded by squares and rectangles.

2. Cityscape - This small physical model shows that to have an exterior it needs an interior to create such a significant space. This idea came from an overview of the Sydney CBD where Hyde Park is surrounded by buildings, but without these the park would not represent the same concept it was aimed at fulfilling. 

3. Outside the World but Physically Inside - For this topic I was inspired by the Roman Emperor Hadrian. It represents a place that is located inside a city, but tucked away from the worries and problems within his Empire. When inside this space it feels as if you are outside of the Empire yet physically you are still inside.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012